Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani, better known as Dhirubhai Ambani, is not an unheard name to an Indian. This blog is about to explore about DHIRUBHAI AMBANI QUOTES

Dhirubhai Ambani was one of the sons of Hirachand Gordhanbhai Ambani, a village school teacher. He  was born in Chorwad, Junagadh district, Gujarat on 28 December 1932.

Dhirubhai Ambani did his studies from Bahadur Khanji school. In 1948, he left for the Port of Aden, Yemen to work for A. Besse and Co. He later came to sell shell and Burmah oil products for the company.

His friends described him as someone who was affable yet ambitious, cheerful yet had a ‘dark side’ because of his extreme ambition and risk taking.

Dhirubhai Ambani got his promotion in his job but he negated because he has other ideas. He wants to start a business in his country its about import and export business.


First he said the idea to his father he was upset and angry with him because his father was a failed businessman so he don’t want to his son want to fail like him. But Ambani managed to convinced his father to to start a business.

But that time he need a money investment for his business even though he invest his full savings and  money he earn for his early age till now still he lack few amount of money.

At that time his friends father giving dowry to marry her daughter. So ambani came forward and ask his friends father that he willing to marry her daughter and then he married her daughter.

Then ambani and his wife along with his friend ( wife brother ) they were went to Mumbai to start a business of clothes.

From their the Reliance Industries was started even though he want to face lots of struggle, failures, insults and so many things to go on after his dreams. He never give up in any situations.

So he was the founder of India’s second most valued enterprise by market capitalization Reliance Industries started the company with a meager Rs 1,000.

The Reliance Industries founder Dhirubhai started his journey with only Re 1 and while he has created wealth, it not just for him but equally for his thousands of shareholders.

Most of them will say him as a corrupted Business man till now but most of them are tell him like that because they can’t be good as him.

Most of the Indian young Entrepreneur are want to be like him because he is one who came from poor background family and achieved success that one can’t able to think of it.

He could do all this just because he could dream and dream big and so here’s are 25 of Dhirubhai Ambani quotes that will give wings to your dreams.


“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.”

“Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one’s monopoly.”

“Our dreams have to be bigger, Our ambitions higher, Our commitment is deeper, And our efforts greater.”

“You do not require an invitation to make profits.”

“Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities.”

“Meeting the deadlines is not good enough, beating the deadlines is my expectation.”

“We cannot change our rulers, but we can change the way they rule us.”

“Only when you dream it you can do it.”

“Challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence, and conviction. I believe that ambition and initiative will ultimately triumph.”

“Between my past, the present and the future, there is one common factor: Relationship and Trust. This is the foundation of our growth.

“True entrepreneurship comes only from risk-taking.”

“Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has an infinite source of energy. They will deliver.”

“You will never reach your destination if you stop & throw stones at every dog that barks…Better keep biscuits & Move on.”

” I sincerely believe that Indians have the ability to complete with the best in the world ” 

” The success of the young entrepreneur will be the key to India’s transformation in the new millennium”


Dhirubhai Ambani was one of the most successful Business man in the world. His quotes will be most inspiring to everyone who want to achieve in business or in life.

Most of the Young entrepreneur in the world was looking his life as a case study for their business lessons so if you want to start a company look out his life and his company take as a  case study then you will get some ideas for you business success.

DHIRUBHAI AMBANI QUOTES inpired many pepole all over the world here are some of his quotes

” My advice to young entrepreneurs is not to accept defeat in the face of odds, and challenge negative forces with the hopes, self confidence and conviction “

” If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow “

” We bet on people “

” Don’t give up, courage is my conviction “

” A vision has to be within reach not in the air. It has to be achievable “

” Never. Till my last breath I will work. To retire there is only one place the cremation ground ”  

” If you’re born poor it’s not your fault but if you die poor it’s your fault “

” The problem with Indians is that we have lost the habit of thinking big “

” You have to take calculated risk, to earn something “

” For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win “

Therefore these are the 25 inspiring Dhirubhai Ambani quotes.

As we said before he is one of the talented and most creative businessman in the world. As we know his dreams want to be number one business man in the world.

He became the number one business man in India and his company Reliance Industries is most famous company till now. His son  Mukesh Ambani was took his fathers dream to make his Reliance Industries a number one company in the world. Right now Mukesh Ambani was the top 25 Richest Business man list in the world.

And Ambani is the biggest idol for many youngsters in India because his career growth is un-imaginable.

Many people inspired and motivated from DHIRUBHAI AMBANI QUOTES.

So for more quotes from different celebrities check out our website ucanuwill.com.

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