Most of the people will have morning routine likewise this are billion dollar morning routine most successful people do. So if you don’t know about the morning routine means it’s a things you will do after you awake up.
A morning routine is the things you do immediately after you woke up. Everyone has a different types of morning routine according to their priority
According the case study most of the successful people have both morning and night routine which will helps their day productive and also they can concentrate on the important things in the mornings more than small things
This routine which helps them to improves their lifestyle as well as their health. So these are some of the billion dollar morning routine
- Early Morning Wake Up
- Turn Off Electronic Devices
- Meditation
- Physical Exercise
- Shower
- To-Do List
- Healthy Breakfast
Waking up early makes you a better person spiritually and you will be a more healthy and successful person this is the main spiritual benefits of waking up early morning According to most successful people waking up early is the important factor to have a healthy and successful day.
Most successful people have a morning routine, waking up early is an important part of it. Early morning time is based between 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.

According to some report early riser having more creative thoughts than a night owl person. Early morning waking up is gives you more time in your day so that you can do lots of activities in a day.
After sleep everyone have more focus and more creative stuff so waking up early in the morning gives you time to utilize the creative ideas for your work. You can also have a lots of time to organize your work plan on the early morning.
If you wake up early morning regularly for a month you can feel the difference about yourself and you can also feel the change in your lifestyle.
After woke up most of the people use the phone instead of brushing their teeth itself, this make them so lazy they will spend more than 30 mins in the phone in the bed itself Most of the people are addicted to social media so when then woke up they want to know what happen in the social media this will make them so addictive and lazy

So after woke up first thing you want to do is make up your bed and then refresh yourself and brush your teeth Using phone in the early morning after wake up will make you lazy and kill your creative ideas too. So don’t use your phone up to having breakfast
The goal of meditation is peace of mind which helps to understand yourself. Meditation gives you lots of benefits to mind as well as your body
Most of the successful people are doing meditation for lots of benefits Meditation on early morning makes you a healthy person mentally. Daily meditation help you to reduce anxiety and stress.
The daily meditation give you more focus and confident in your daily work. If you meditate for a month constantly you can able to know what you want to be in real life.
You can understand what you are and you can able to accept yourself for what you are. You can also identify your passion by meditation daily you can easily understand what you really love to work and what your passion of work
Health is the most important thing in our life it’s a god given gift, so we should take care of our health by doing exercise daily. After meditation have a good 10 to 15mins workout give you lots of energy. Early morning work-out makes you a healthy person physically

10 to 15minutes workout make your body to have a good blood flow. If you continue daily for a month doing exercise for 10-15 mins you will feel the difference you will be more fit and healthier than a month before
There was always a proverb
So take care of your health and do daily exercise
Lots of people have no plans for their daily life and they don’t do their to-do list for their day because of that they don’t know what their progress of their life. Most of the successful people have their to-do list for their day. So that they know how their progress of their dreams

After exercise make a to do list for a day its make you focus on what you want to do today. End of the day checkout how many things you were completed on that day
Daily making to do list make you understand what you are doing in your life and where you are going in your life
Morning shower is the important thing because it’s cold shower in the morning make you feel so fresh. Very few people shower twice a day, Most of the people not shower even one time also not because of their having lack of water but because they are too lazy to shower
Taking a shower can change your mood of your day when you have so much pressure in your work and when you reached home and take shower and you will have a small time gap to relax yourself and there is 80 % change you can easily overcome from your pressure
According to some report music and taking shower is the two important that can reduces your stress and pressure when you alone. Taking shower twice a day will make your body and mind relax at the same time.
The breakfast is the important thing in the day. What you are eating in the morning that gives you stamina and strength for rest of the day. So make sure eat healthy breakfast.

Reading books makes your mind fresh for a day. Studying course related to your career or which you are interested in make you productivity in your life.
These are some of the billion dollar morning routine that keep you healthy and make your lifestyle better than before. Most successful people are doing this as their billion dollar morning routine